DUI in a Highway Safety Zone
California Vehicle Code section 42009 states:
For an offense specified in subdivision (b), committed by the driver of a vehicle within a highway construction or maintenance area, during any time when traffic is regulated or restricted through or around that area pursuant to Section 21367, or when the highway construction or maintenance is actually being performed in the area by workers acting in their official capacity, the fine, in a misdemeanor case, shall be double the amount otherwise prescribed. In an infraction case, the fine shall be one category higher than the penalty otherwise prescribed by the uniform traffic penalty schedule established pursuant to Section 40310.
California Vehicle Code section 42010 states:
For an offense specified in subdivision (b) that is committed by the driver of a vehicle within an area that has been designated as a Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zone pursuant to Section 97 and following of the Streets and Highways Code, the fine, in a misdemeanor case, shall be double the amount otherwise prescribed, and, in an infraction case, the fine shall be one category higher than the penalty otherwise prescribed by the uniform traffic penalty schedule established pursuant to Section 40310.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions? We are here to help. Still have questions or can't find the answer you need? Give us a call at 619-930-5490 today!
I was not drunk. Can I be charged with DUI for smoking marijuana or taking prescription medications?If you were arrested for DUI but didn’t have alcohol in your system, you can still be charged with DUI. There are a number different charges associated with misdemeanor and felony DUI. You can be charged with an (f) count if you consumed any intoxicating drugs, regardless of whether they are illegal or prescription. But, if you were under the influence of both alcohol and drugs, then you can be charged with an (e) count for driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
Aren’t the police supposed to read me my Miranda rights?It seems like common sense that an officer must read you your Miranda rights. Although this is true in a situation where you are being interrogated, for purposes of DUI, you don’t have that same right. Many times an officer will ask you questions prior to administering field sobriety tests and placing you under arrest. These questions have been classified as “pre-investigatory” questions and are not subject to Miranda. Therefore, it is important you speak with an experience DUI Defense Firm to know whether or not the failure to read you your rights will affect your case.
I was involved in an accident and someone was injured. Will I be charged with a Felony?Maybe. You can be charged with Felony DUI whenever anyone other than yourself is injured. Even if the injuries were to a friend and their injuries are minor, you can still be charged with a felony. Penalties for a Felony DUI can be severe because your can face time in prison.